Fifth Element Paranormal Research use a mixture of modern day electronic paranormal detection equipment's & older spiritual practices. The aim is to back up any information we deem to be important to the event and investigation. Notes are kept throughout the evening for verification.
We offer protection and grounding but realise it is not to everyone's preference. Please let us know if you do not wish to partake.
We take many pictures throughout the evening and may use these at a later date. If you do wish to appear in any for personal reasons please let an investigator know.
We appreciate not everyone wants to be involved first hand and may wish to monitor the experiments rather than be at the core. Please inform an investigator if this is your wish.
Guests are welcome to use their own equipment or use Fifth Element Paranormal Researches if they so wish. Guests will be responsible for these whilst on loan.
We hope to see you soon. John & the team.